黑龙江省农垦总局红兴隆分局1998 年甜菜获高产, 其原因有以下几方面: 一是有利的气候条件,如当年热量充足,有效积温较常年偏高,生育期雨量充沛等;二是做到了合理轮作、选茬和深松整地;三是选用高产抗病良种;四是适时早育苗、早移栽,提高幼苗成活率;五是搞好田间管理,如科学施肥、合理密植、搞好病虫害防治等。
Heilongjiang Provincial Bureau of Land Reclamation Hongxinglong branch in 1998 beet yield, for the following reasons: First, favorable climatic conditions, such as when the heat sufficient, the effective accumulated temperature higher than normal, abundant rainfall during the growth period; the second is to do a reasonable Crop rotation, cropping and deep pine earth preparation; third is the selection of high-yielding disease-resistant varieties; Fourth, timely early nursery, early transplanting, seedling survival rate; Fifth, well field management, such as scientific fertilization, close planting and good pest control Wait.