孟称舜是明末著名的戏剧家 ,他在戏剧创作和戏剧理论领域都取得了很大的成就。他的作品的主题是“情” ,其中流露出来的真情至今仍有着动人的力量。孟称舜的戏剧作品和戏剧理论都以重情著称 ,他的真情观是与澎湃涌动的晚明文化思潮分不开的 ,要全面认识和评估孟称舜的真情观就
Meng Shishun, a famous dramatist of the late Ming Dynasty, made great achievements in the field of drama creation and drama theory. The theme of his work is “Love,” in which the true truths revealed so far are still moving forces. Meng Shishun’s dramatic works and drama theory are both known as heavy love, his true view of the concept is inseparable with the surge of the late Ming cultural trends, to fully understand and evaluate Meng Shishun’s concept of truth