一不怕苦 二不怕死的共产党人

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邓中夏 ——革命者要吃尽苦中苦 邓中夏曾说过:为大多数人谋利益,解放全人类,道路崎岖,困难极多,革命者必须有吃尽苦中苦的决心,才有胜利希望,才会为革命做出贡献。他这样说就这样做。在他短暂而壮丽的一生中,为革命吃尽苦头,并光荣牺牲。1931年,邓中夏遭到王明路线的“残酷斗争”和“无情打击”,他身无分文,只得忍受着巨大的感情痛苦,割弃骨肉之爱,将子送人。他虽然身处逆境,但革命意志坚强。这位在省港罢工中威震敌胆、叱咤风云的伟大人物,即使终日刻腊板也任劳任怨、毫无怨言。他在跟妻子谈话时说:“妹妹(妻子),一个革命者就是要吃尽这世上的苦中苦啊,我们能被这痛苦吓倒吗?”1933年5月,邓中夏在上海被捕。在被关南京宪兵司令部期 Deng Zhongxia - Revolutionaries Effort to Endure Hard Bitterly Deng Zhongxia once said: For the sake of the interests of most people, to liberate all mankind, the road is rugged and extremely difficult, the revolutionary must have the determination to eat hard and bitter and win the hope of victory , Will contribute to the revolution. He said so. In his brief but magnificent life, he suffered a great loss for the revolution and died gloriously. In 1931, Deng Zhongxia was subjected to the “brutal struggle” and “merciless strikes” by Wang Ming’s line. He was penniless and had to endure tremendous emotional pain, abandon flesh and blood and give away children. Although in adversity, he has a strong revolutionary will. The great man in a Hong Kong-Hong Kong strike in Megatron and a courageous all-powerful man has no complaints even if it is written all the time. In his conversation with his wife, he said: “My sister (wife), a revolutionary, is trying to endure the pain and suffering in this world. Can we be intimidated by this pain?” In May 1933, Deng Zhongxia was arrested in Shanghai. In the Nanjing Military Command headquarters was closed
中图分类号:G812 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2012)02-000-01    摘 要 当前,随着社会的高速发展,人们的思想观念也在不断的发生变化,体育全球化是经济全球化的产物。在当前的体育全球化的情况下,体育教育,尤其是大学的体育教育改革,应当如何去进行呢?本文针对大学体育全球化带来的国际新趋势,分析了我国大学体育在教学理念、教学内容、课程教学模式、教学方法