90年代是我国经济发展的关键阶段。在这段时间,我们要实现经济发展战略目标三步走中的第二步,即到本世纪末国民生产总值比1980年翻两番,人民生活达到小康水平。能否走好第二步,不仅仅关系到第三步,而且还直接影响到我国社会主义现代化建设事业的成败得失。要走好第二步,可以说是任重而道远。 1、加快经济发展速度是走好第二步的关键 党的十二大确立了我国经济发展的战略目标,第二步以国民生产总值(以下简称GNP)按不变价
The 1990s are a crucial stage in the economic development of our country. During this period, we must achieve the second step of the three-step strategic goal of economic development. By the end of this century, our gross national product will quadruple that of 1980 and the people’s living standards will reach the standard of well-being. Whether the second step can be taken is not only related to the third step, but also directly affects the success or failure of the cause of socialist modernization in our country. To take a good second step, it can be said is a long way to go. 1. Speeding up the pace of economic development is the key to taking the second step The 12th CPC National Congress has set the strategic goal of economic development in our country. The second step will be to set the strategic target of economic development at a constant rate of gross national product (GNP)