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纪录片是文化传播的重要形式之一,也是电视节目的重要类型。韩国本土纪录片创作起步较晚,但是,发展势头迅猛,特别是20世纪80年代后期以来,韩国纪录片屡获国际大奖,在国内外影响日益扩大。韩国本土纪录片的发展比较晚,并与韩国国内的政治、经济关系密切,它从一个侧面也从影像中建构了韩国的历史与现实。本文试图从历史与现实相结合的角度,简要梳理韩国纪录片的发展史。 Documentary is an important form of cultural transmission, but also an important type of television programs. Korean documentaries started late, but the momentum of development is growing rapidly. Especially since the late 1980s, Korean documentaries have won numerous international awards and their influence both at home and abroad has been expanding. The development of Korean documentaries is relatively late and closely related to the domestic politics and economy in South Korea. From a perspective, it has also constructed the history and reality of South Korea from images. This article tries to conclude the history of the development of Korean documentaries from the perspective of the combination of history and reality.