In order to effectively detect the optical substrate and optical quality after coating, a first-order polarized light scattering model was established according to the theory of electromagnetic scattering of micro-plane, and the polarized birefringence distribution function was derived. The polarized birefringence distribution function PP Three-dimensional relationship between terms and scattering angles and azimuths. The effects of incident angle, substrate roughness and thickness of different coatings on the polarization birefringence distribution function were analyzed numerically. Numerical results show that the polarized birefringence distribution function is inversely proportional to the incident angle, correlation length, root mean square height and coating thickness. The P-polarized birefringence distribution function produced by P-polarized incident strongly depends on the angle of incidence, scattering angle and azimuth. Brewster’s position gradually increases with the incident angle in the direction of small scattering azimuth.