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101团场60年代初曾种过小面积“露地单作花生”,那时受栽培水平的限制,低产、亏损,直至80年代的中期,农场事隔25年间,无人种过花生。 1987年,良繁站家庭承包户谢洪太同志,以科技兴农,节约土地,提高经营效益为出发点,从石河子垦区引进花生在地膜西瓜中间作0.9亩,除西瓜产量不受丝毫影响外还收花生荚果折合亩产50公斤。试种获得可喜成功的消息,一传十,十传百传开了。 In the early 1960s, the group had planted a small area of ​​peanuts in small plots. At that time, cultivation was limited, low-yielding and loss-free. Until the mid-1980s, no peanuts were planted on the farm after 25 years. In 1987, Liang Fan station household contractor Xie Hongtai to science and technology to agriculture, land conservation and improve operating efficiency as a starting point, the introduction of peanuts from Shihezi reclamation area in the middle of the film watermelon 0.9 acres, in addition to the watermelon yield is not affected by the slightest impact of peanuts Pod yield per mu 50 kg. Try to get gratifying success news, a biography of ten, ten biography spread.
The pine sawyer beetle,Monochamus alteatus,is regarded as a notorious forest pest in Asia,vectoring an invasive pathogenic nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,w
A distinctive patte of oviposition lesions occurs on a ginkgoalean seed,Yimaia capituliformis,which likely was inflicted by a kalligrammatid lacewing with a lon
芸薹属是十字花科植物的重要类群,也是我国栽培面积最大的蔬菜作物类群。白菜(Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Makino)是芸薹属芸薹种的一个亚种,是典型的异花授粉作
柑橘(Citrus reticulata Banco)为芸香科(Rutaceae)柑橘属(Citrus Linn)植物。柑橘是我国南方重要的栽培果树,在南方柑橘的产量是所有水果里面最多的,在南方种植柑橘可以帮助果农增
Whiteflies possess bacterial symbionts Candidatus Portiera aleyrodidium that are housed in specialized cells called bacteriocytes and are faithfully transmitted
一、浙春一号(原名77Q4—13—56) 系浙江省农科院作物所以“五月拔”为母本,“兖黄一号”为父本杂交育成的早熟春大豆品种。1985年曾参加南方协作区春大豆早熟组区试,经我省1
原阳大米多以白米为主,还有香米、黑米、红米、礼品米等多种系列产品。1992年,该县师寨乡东高村农民技术员黄勇保,从外地引 Yuanyang rice mainly white rice, there are f