
来源 :中国气功 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Baggio_Fu
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《中国气功》杂志1993年第二期及其他杂志转栽艾光明老师的文章,这篇文章篇幅很长,题目是气功修炼的三个基本原则。谊文章发表后在全国气功界有比较广泛的影响,一篇指导性文章能推动气功修炼,推动气功活动开展,如果观点上存在问题,对我国气功活动将起较大阻碍和消极作用,下面我谈谈我对这篇文章的看法。文章提了三个基本观点,第一点:只收不放,即练气功人只收气不放气,收天地气、日月气、花草树木气、万物清净气、宇宙混元气、宇宙灵神气、古今练功高人信息、宇宙零态信息等等。气的范围例举了八方面,这八方面只是谈收,并且只收不放,该文作者认为如果放气就会产生不好症状,他列举的症状是心慌、内空、里虚、疲乏等症状,把气放出就空乏无力,所以要增强体质,就要收气,这是一个观点。第二个观点是高度控制,不控制就会出现自发现象,乱跑乱跳,又哭又叫,满地打滚,走火入魔,所以要高度控制才能正常活动。第三个观点是要“和合凝聚”,这是第一个观点的另一种说法,就是只收不放,不断练丹才能提高功力。这几个观点最后归结到几句话:一言以蔽之,练气功必须积累,必须控制,必须凝聚, The article “Chinese Qigong”, the second issue of 1993, and other magazines transcribed from Ai Guangming’s article, this article is very long, the title is the three basic principles of qigong practice. After the article was published, the Qigong community in the country has a relatively wide range of impact. A guiding essay can promote Qigong practice and promote Qigong activities. If there are any problems in point of view, it will have a great hindrance and negative effect on Qigong activities in China. Talk about my opinion of this article. The article mentions three basic points. The first point is that it does not require any release. That is, people who practiced qigong only receive qi, qi and qi, the sun and the moon, the trees and trees, the pure air, the mixed universe and the universe Air, ancient and modern practice expert information, the universe zero state information and so on. Gas range cited eight aspects, these eight aspects only talk about income, and only accept it, the author believes that if the deflated will produce bad symptoms, he cited the symptoms are palpitation, inner space, the virtual, tired And other symptoms, the release of gas on the empty powerless, so to enhance physical fitness, it is necessary to get angry, this is a point of view. The second point of view is a high degree of control, there will be no control spontaneous phenomenon, chaos running, crying and screaming, all over the rolling, desperation, so a high degree of control to normal activities. The third point of view is to “unite with the people.” This is another way of saying the first point. These views finally boil down to a few words: In a nutshell, Qigong must be accumulated, must be controlled, must be cohesive,
8月19日,由中国武术研究院、中国武术协会主办的’94中华武术散手擂台争霸赛,几经周折,终于在广州天河体育馆摆插决战。 经过3天18场激烈角逐,48、52、56、65、90公斤级擂主
河南省新乡市有一支武术队,在每年该地举办的元宵节娱乐大会上曾屡屡获奖,它就是王门武术队。 王门武术队的前身——王门国术队,是一支具有扎实武术功底的勇猛强悍的队伍。