按蚊叮人机会的大小 ,对疟疾流行有密切关系 ,按蚊吸人血频数的高低 ,又受着人群防蚊条件的影响。我们于1 988年 5-1 0月在双流县公兴乡 (灭蚊区 ) ,兴隆乡 (对照区 ) ,于溴氰菊酯灭蚊前后观察按蚊密度和叮人率。现将结果报告如下。1 观察方法灭蚊区用 2 .5%溴氰菊酯乳剂 1 0
Anopheles bite the opportunity to size, is closely related to the epidemic of malaria, mosquito inhalation of blood levels, but also affected by the crowd mosquito conditions. We observed the density and bite rate of Anopheles mosquitoes before and after the mosquito control of deltamethrin in May-May of 1988 in Gongxing Township (killing mosquito zone) and Xinglong township (control area) of Shuangliu County. The results reported below. 1 Observation method Anti-mosquito area with 2.5% deltamethrin emulsion 10