
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangliang87
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怎样创建文明安全村镇,笔者提出如下思考,与大家商榷。 思考之一:以人为本,因人施教,突出抓好思想道德建设 我们要以教育为基础,以阵地为依托,从抓好农民的思想道德建设入手,吸引广大干部群众积极参与创建文明安全村镇活动。对农民,要引导他们摆正国家、集体、个人三者之间的关系,依靠自己勤劳的双手脱贫致富奔小康,做到“发财有道,致富依法,治家以规,做人立德”,弘扬新风正气,形成良好的村风民风。对干部,要进行市场经济常识、法律常识、科普常识和精神文明建设常识的培训,使他们认识到开展创建文明安全村镇活动的重要性、迫切性、长期性和艰巨性。对党员、要进行党的基本理论、基本路线和基本知识的教育,充分发挥广大党员在创建文明安全村镇活动中的带头示范作用。对青年,要重点进行爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义教 How to create a civilized and safe village and town, the author put forward the following thinking, to discuss with you. Thinking one: people-oriented, people-oriented, and give prominence to ideological and moral construction We must take education as the basis and position as the basis, do a good job in farmers ideological and moral construction to attract the broad masses of cadres and people to actively participate in the creation of civilized and safe village and town activities . To peasants, we should guide them to put the relations among the country, the collective and the individuals in perspective and rely on their industrious hands to get rid of poverty and achieve well-to-do life so that they can "make a fortune and get rich and rule the country by law and rule by virtue and rule by virtue, Carry forward the new righteousness, forming a good village style. To cadres, they should carry out training in common knowledge of the market economy, common law knowledge, popular science knowledge and spiritual civilization construction so as to make them realize the importance, urgency, long-term nature and arduousness of carrying out activities of creating a civilized and safe village and town. To party members, we must educate the party on the basic theories, basic lines and basic knowledge and give full play to the exemplary role played by the majority of party members in creating a civilized and safe village and town. For young people, we must focus on patriotism, collectivism and socialist teaching
一句电影口号现在真是喊得天摇地动,就象送海鲜的商家,直接把臭鱼烂虾送到人家嘴边还一个劲叫喊“在我这货色里可是一点臭味儿、腥味儿都没有!”这句电影口号就是——“只有票房才是硬道理!”  电视连续剧正在越来越朝着视觉垃圾化发展,所以有更多的城市白领和青年,正在让肥皂剧淡出自己的视野,于是他们就开始越来越频繁地光顾电影院去看电影。当然,象这样的观众,原来就是本着消遣、解闷、找乐的目的去看电影的,所以如果
台湾某电视台拍摄制作了一系列的 “爱与……”偶像剧。一段爱与守候的故事——《天国的嫁衣》;一段爱与童话的故事——《王子变青蛙》;一段爱与奇迹的故事——《雪天使》;一
《 逍 遥 游 》 追 求 的 是 精 神 上的 绝 对 自 由 。 但 我 个 人 认 为 , 不仅 “ 绝 对 自 由 ” 只 能 算 是 庄 子 的美 好 愿 望 而 已 , 而 且 “ 逍 遥 游 ”的
电影的目的是动人而不是累人,但这似乎越来越被导演们遗忘了。前几天看过两部电影的策划提纲,都是名著改编的新本子,导演和文学策划们在没写剧本之前洋洋洒洒写 The purpose