第一章 总 则第一条 为实施科教兴冀战略 ,促进和保障高新技术产业开发区 (以下简称高新区 )的建设 ,推进高新区的体制创新、科技创新和国际化进程 ,加快高新技术产业的发展 ,根据有关法律、行政法规的规定 ,结合本省实际 ,制定本条例。第二条 经国务院或者省人民政府在
Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to implement the strategy of rejuvenating science and education, promote and guarantee the construction of high-tech industry development zones (hereinafter referred to as high-tech zones), promote the institutional innovation, technological innovation and internationalization of high and new technology zones and speed up the development of high and new technology industries Development, in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations, combined with the actual province, the enactment of this Ordinance. The second by the State Council or the provincial people's government