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我们的汽车在西去伊宁的公路上飞驰,还没有到五台小镇就开始爬坡,漆黑的柏油路面直立着向天山顶端弯曲盘旋,60多公里的长坡连最快的“巡洋舰”也要嗡嗡一个小时,好不容易到了山顶,一个下坡急转弯,霎时觉得风清气爽,突然一个水天一色巨大湖泊展现在我们眼前,这就是人所共知的“西方净海”——赛里木湖。烟波浩渺458平方公里的赛里木湖,在蓝天青松的相映下,水是碧绿湛蓝,连远处的天山也变成了黛蓝色。赛里木湖与蓝天之间要不是在更远处一条淡蓝色的矮山隐隐约约将它们分开,确实是水天难分。在公路缠绕的一岸,青翠的松林间,碧绿的草地上滚着白云般的羊群,岸边雪白的毡房顶上飘浮着缕缕青烟。赛里木湖显得分外幽静祥和。同车的小郝,情不自禁的放开嗓门高唱起“我们新疆好地方唉……”这支动人的歌,歌一出口,草原的宁静立即被打破,随着赛里木湖水的拍岸声也此起彼伏。 Our car is speeding on the highway to the west of Yining and has not yet climbed to five small towns. The dark asphalt paved up to bend the top of the Tianshan Mountains. The more than 60 kilometers of Longpan even possesses the fastest cruiser “Also buzzing for an hour, finally reached the top of the hill, a sharp turn downhill, feel fresh air suddenly, suddenly a huge lake show in front of us, it is well known Sea ”- Sailimu Lake. The rippling 458 square kilometers of Sailimu Lake, in the blue sky and pine, the water is green and blue, even the distant Tianshan has become Dai blue. Sailimu between the lake and the sky or not farther away in a light blue dwarf mountains vaguely separate them, it is indeed incomparable. On the winding side of the road, among the verdant pine forests, white clouds are rolling on the green grass, and the wisp of smoke is floating on the snow-covered felt roof of the bank. Sailimu seemed exceptionally quiet and peaceful. Small Hao with the car, can not help but release his voice to sing “Our good place in Xinjiang alas ......” This moving song, an exit song, grassland tranquility immediately be broken, with the Sailing Lake beat Shore sound is also one after another.
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The broad-leaved Korean pine(Pinus koraiensis) forest is one of the most biodiverse zonal communities in the North Temperate Zone and an important habitat for m
望廬山瀑布李白日照香鑪生紫烟,遙看瀑布挂前川。飛流直下三千尺,疑是銀河落九天。早發白帝城李白朝发白帝彩云间,千里江陵一日还。 Lushan Lushan look at the incense bu