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“改良中式簿记”是在传统中式簿记的基础上,吸收西式簿记的原理而形成的一种簿记方法,它是近代中国“西学东渐”的产物。在近代中国学习西方的过程中,由于国内传统会计制度已经根深蒂固,在西方相对健全的制度引入过程中,西式和传统中式会计思想发生了前所未有的相互碰撞、相互较量、相互挤压、相互融合。在中西方会计制度最初碰撞阶段,彼此 “Chinese Bookkeeping Improvement” is a kind of bookkeeping method based on the traditional Chinese bookkeeping and absorbing the principle of western bookkeeping. It is the product of modern China “learning from western learning.” In the process of learning the West in modern China, due to the deep-rooted domestic traditional accounting system, during the introduction of a relatively sound system in the West, unprecedented conflicts and collisions took place between Western and traditional Chinese accounting ideas. In the initial collision of accounting systems in China and the West, each other
南口在北京之北    南口,昌平的南口,北京的南口。  至今弄不清这个地方为什么叫南口,也没有去问过土生土长的本地人,一个地方地名的来历往往涉及历史地理人文甚至是久远的传说,是很难用一两句话来说清楚的。再说本地人也不一定了解,只知道这个地名祖祖辈辈就是这么叫来着。  从字面上看,她应该是北京南面的一个小镇,可事实恰恰相反,她在北京北面的昌平与八达岭之间,标准的城北郊区小镇,现属昌平区管辖。