我自幼生长于淄博一僻静山村,81年就读于山东大学。这期间,除了杂学中文系的“古今中外”,又近乎狂热地研练民间武术,算是经受了我国传统“文武双全”文化的一点淬炼。85年到山东艺术学院后,对所从事的文学教学工作是热爱的,而科研方向却一直摇摆,不甚明确。92年,所在的社科部(后改为艺术文化系)筹办美术学与文化管理专业,鼓励教师按自身兴趣与特长开设新课,出于朦胧的了解,我不假思索地选报了“民俗文化学”。 开课前的准备工作是较辛苦的。我匆
I grew up in a secluded mountain village in Zibo, 81 years studying at Shandong University. During this period, apart from the “Ancient and Modern Chinese and Foreign Schools” for the Department of Chinese Medicine in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they practiced the folk martial arts with almost fanatical enthusiasm and regarded them as a bit of a curtailment in the traditional culture of China. After 85 years to the Shandong Art Institute, he has been devoted to literary teaching work, while the research direction has been swaying and not very clear. In 1992, where the Department of Social Science (later renamed the Department of Arts and Culture) organized a major in fine arts and cultural management to encourage teachers to create new courses according to their own interests and strengths. For a vague understanding, I chose the “Folk Culture learn”. Preparatory work before the commencement is more difficult. I am in a hurry