Plot: Miami Sharks football coach (Al Pacino), love football more than their own lives. His shark team won two consecutive years, “Nail” champion, it is the most glorious moment in his career, butte (but) now the main players have been aging, Captain Jack injured, the game is not as good as before. They lost in a row lately. The team’s new boss (Cameron Diaz) wholeheartedly to raise the team worth, in order to win more capital injection, do not talk about the world of love, can not continue to her money “waste” will be eliminated. The rising star “Bench King” Willie, saw captain Jack’s bleak end, a mind in a short career hard fishing, which are contrary to the concept of coaching. Every day, he faces tremendous pressure from Willie, a female boss who loves and hates him. He desperately wants to return to Jack, a shark team player, and sharks will change his position. In the face of young and strong junior, how can we reverse the universe?