三家齐上 三者结合 三个转变——浙江搞活建材的几点经验

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浙江省建材行业改革的实践,得出一个结论:搞活建材,要靠“三家齐上,三者结合,三个转变”。三家齐上,即全民、集体、个体三家一齐上。浙江省建材工业在“六五”期间头三年,总产值增长52%,其中集体、乡镇企业的比重从72.2%增加到75.8%。集体和乡镇企业日益显示出资金来源多、投资回收快、厂小经营活的长处。农民利用当地的资源优势,集资办建材的积极性很高。长兴县槐坎乡建一个年产4万平方米的大理石厂,仅用五天时间便集资112.5万元,一个月后破土动工,三个月后,部分厂房建成,半年内即部分投产。余姚县曹娥乡大力发展乡村和家庭玻璃纤维工业,全乡每十人中有一名搞玻璃纤维的工人,每三个半人有一台织机,对外经济联系遍及省内外一百多个单位。1984年,全乡玻璃纤维人均产值 The practice of the reform of the building materials industry in Zhejiang Province came to the conclusion that in order to invigorate building materials, it is necessary to rely on the “three families, the three, and the three transformations.” The three families are together, that is, all the people, the collective, and the individual are all on the same level. In the first three years of the “6th Five-Year Plan” period, Zhejiang’s building materials industry increased its total output value by 52%. The proportion of collectives and township enterprises increased from 72.2% to 75.8%. Collective and township and town enterprises have increasingly demonstrated the strengths of many sources of funds, rapid investment recovery, and small factory operations. Farmers take advantage of local resources and raise the enthusiasm for building materials. A 40,000-square-meter marble factory with an annual output of 100,000 square meters was built in Yongkan County, Changxing County. It took a total of 1.125 million yuan in only five days. One month later, the ground was broken. Three months later, some plants were built and partially commissioned within half a year. Cao’e Township, Yuyao County, vigorously develops the rural and family fiberglass industry. Every ten people in the township have one worker who engages in fiberglass. Every three and a half people have a loom. Foreign economic contacts cover more than 100 units inside and outside the province. In 1984, the per capita output value of glass fiber in the township
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