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一是要千方百计扩大就业。就业是民生之本。各级党委和政府要始终把就业再就业工作做为一件关系全局的大事来抓,认真落实中央关于促进就业再就业的政策措施,切实解决存在的突出问题,务求取得实实在在的效果。发展是促进就业再就业的根本途径,要通过发展社区服务业、劳动密集型产业、中小企业和公益性事业等就业容量大的行业和企业,培育新的就业增长点,实现发展经济和扩大就业的良性互动。要加强就业技能培训,切实提高劳动者就业技能和竞争能力。要进一步做好就业再就业服务工作,大力改善公共职业介绍服务的设施和手段,建立健全再就业援助制度,规范劳动力市场秩序,为促 First, we must do everything possible to expand employment. Employment is the foundation of people’s livelihood. Party committees and governments at all levels should always take the employment and reemployment work as a major issue concerning the overall situation, conscientiously implement the Central Government’s policies and measures on promoting employment and reemployment, and earnestly solve the outstanding problems that exist in order to achieve tangible results. Development is the fundamental way to promote employment and reemployment. We should foster new points of employment growth through the development of industries and enterprises with large employment capacity, such as community service industries, labor-intensive industries, small and medium-sized enterprises and public welfare undertakings, so as to achieve economic growth and employment expansion Positive interaction. To strengthen employment skills training, and effectively improve the employment skills and competitiveness of workers. We should do a better job in employment and reemployment services, vigorously improve the facilities and means of introducing public employment services, establish and improve a system of reemployment assistance, standardize the labor market order and promote
To deal with the problems concerning the shore boundary,moving boundary and engineeringboundary which are encountered frequently in 2D tidal current simulation
消失模铸造是用泡沫塑料材料(EPS、STMMA或EPMMA)制作模样,涂上涂料,埋入干砂或型砂中,经紧实后在一定条件下浇注的新型铸造工艺,又称实型铸造,国外称EPC、Lost Foam、Full
崔秀玲 ,女 ,汉族 ,1945年 9月出生于陕西潼关 ,1968年毕业于西安体育学院 ,是我院体育系创建人之一 ,体操健美操一级裁判。长期从事体育教学与训练工作 ,多次带队参加省运会
天生桥二级水电站首都枢纽的防沙工程充分利用天然河弯环流、人工环流及沉沙排沙等措施, 采用多级水位调度方式, 控制溯源冲刷, 减少进闸沙量 The Tianshengqiao II hydropower