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不拆楼文化既是美国珍惜旧物的文化传统,也符合清教资本主义的财富积累原则:一个家庭、地区或国家的财富要体现在实体财富上我居住的小区大约是上世纪40年代建造的,至今已有70年的历史了。清一色的两层红砖小楼经过了70年的风雨,依然没有显得多旧。最近,小区的管理委员会在做一件工程——给砖缝抹上水泥。因为原来的水泥已经有些剥落,在剥落的缝里抹上水泥,看上去会焕然一新。纽约的很多房子都有百年以上的历 Not dismantle the building culture is not only the United States cherish the cultural traditions of old things, but also in line with the capitalist Puritanism principle of accumulation of wealth: a family, region or country’s wealth to be reflected in the wealth of the entity I live in about 40 residential construction in the last century, It has been 70 years old. Two-story red brick small building after 70 years of ups and downs, still do not seem much older. Recently, the community’s management committee is doing a project - cementing the joints. Because the original cement had been peeling off and the cement was peeled off, it seemed like a new look. Many New York houses have more than 100 years calendar