
来源 :初中生优秀作文 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesur
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语文是语言教学中最基础的一门学科,其教学过程主要包括听、说、读、写四个环节。然而,由于应试教育观念根深蒂固,在传统初中语文的教学过程中只注重学生读写能力的训练,在一定程度上忽视了学生听说能力的培养。基于此,本文笔者坚持巧妙训练、创新教育的理念,提出了初中语文教学的听说训练思路构建策略。 Language is the most basic subject in language teaching. Its teaching process mainly consists of listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, due to the deep-rooted concept of exam-oriented education, in the traditional junior high school Chinese teaching process focuses only on students ’literacy training, to a certain extent, neglected the ability of students’ listening and speaking. Based on this, the author of this article insists on the concept of ingenious training and innovative education, and puts forward the strategy of building a listening and speaking train of thought in junior high school Chinese teaching.
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有些象鼻虫幼虫生活于土内,并以成虫或幼虫在土室中越冬,饲养观察较为困难。1961-63年我们在福州对大灰象虫(Sympiezomia lewisi Roel.)进行了生活史研究,摸索了一些饲养技
棉铃疫病(Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada.)是上海郊区棉花烂铃的主要病害。通过对棉铃疫病菌的生物学特性和发生条件等研究,明确了土壤中病铃壳上的厚垣孢子是其主要越冬形
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
问:小麦播种前怎样调查地下害虫发生情况?如何掌握防治标准? 答:麦播季节即将到来,掌握地下害虫的发生情况,是做好防治工作的基础。播种前选择有代表性的田块,按不同土质、