科技文件材料是在科技活动中产生、形成的,它以特定的形式固定在一定载体上的各种记录,是科技档案的前身。没有科技文件材料,科技档案便失去了来源,成了无本之木;科技文件材料不完整、不准确、不系统,科技档案便会残缺不全,科技档案工作亦难以开展。因此要想做好科技档案工作就必须从科技文件材料的系统管理抓起。 专项任务,多属于国家或军队下达的研制任务,它要求质量高、时间紧,所产生的科技文件材料都带有密级。针对这些特点,如何用科学的方法管理好专项任务所产生的科技文件材料,使其更好地满足整个研制任务过程中研究、设计和生产的需要,同时又要保守党和国家机密与安全,是摆在我们科技档案工作者面前的一个问题。通过多年来的实践,并借鉴其他单位的管理经验,我们对专项任务的科技文件材料在制度化和科学化管理方面进行了一些探索,总结出一套较为行之有效的办法。
Science and technology documents are produced in science and technology activities, formed in a particular form of its fixed in a variety of records on the carrier, is the predecessor of scientific and technological archives. Without scientific and technological documents, scientific and technological archives have lost their source and become non-essential trees. Scientific and technical documents are incomplete, inaccurate and unsystematic. Scientific and technological archives are incomplete and scientific and technological archives are also difficult to carry out. Therefore, in order to do a good job in scientific and technological archives, we must start from the systematic management of scientific and technical documents and materials. Special tasks are mostly tasks of research and development issued by the state or the military. They require high-quality, tight-time scientific and technological documents and materials that are produced with dense levels. According to these characteristics, how to manage scientific and technological documents produced by special tasks in a scientific way so that they can better meet the needs of research, design and production throughout the task of development, meanwhile keep the Party and state secret and security, It is a problem placed before our science and technology archivists. Through years of practice and drawing on the management experience of other units, we have made some explorations on the systematic and scientific management of scientific and technical documents for special tasks and concluded a set of more effective measures.