来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenman
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In Northwest China, there are many inland rivers that are characterized by high a gradient, coarse particles, a thick pebble and gravel layer, and small discharge and shallow water depth during the flood season. In these rivers, the motion of coarse particles has an important influence on the construction of various structures related to these rivers. In this study, the law of the motion of coarse particles is investigated in high gradient rivers. First, according to the rolling mode of particle motion, the forces acting on coarse particles were analyzed, and a formula was deduced to represent the incipient drag force for uniform coarse particles in a high gradient river. The flow velocity near the river bed, resistance coefficient, and weight of a coarse particle were taken into account to obtain the formula, which indicated that the incipient drag force is not related to the sediment Reynolds number, but closely related to the Froude number, which was also true for the Maxwell formula. Next, after comparing the various criteria for incipient motion of sediment, experiments were done to obtain data and determine the incipient motion of coarse particles. Based on the experiments, it was concluded that the motion type of “embedded” coarse material belongs to the motion of contact load, and the nondimensional unit-width sediment transport rate, which was put forward by Taylor in 1971, was chosen as the criterion in this study. Finally, based on the experimental data, the drag force formula was calibrated. The computed drag force agreed well with the measured values. Moreover, the formula derived in this study was compared with the Maxwell formula, another formula to study the incipient motion of particles in step-shaped mountainous rivers. The comparison indicates that the slope is the key factor in the two formulas, and the weight is an important force on the incipient motion of coarse particles in the current formula, but not in the Maxwell formula. In Northwest China, there are many inland rivers that are characterized by high a gradient, coarse particles, a thick pebble and gravel layer, and small discharge and shallow water depth during the flood season. In these rivers, the motion of coarse particles has an important influence on the construction of various structures related to these rivers. In this study, the law of the motion of coarse particles is investigated in high gradient rivers. First, according to the rolling mode of particle motion, the forces acting on coarse particles were analyzed, and a formula was deduced to represent the incipient drag force for uniform coarse particles in a high gradient river. The flow velocity near the river bed, resistance coefficient, and weight of a coarse particle were taken into account to obtain the formula, which indicated that the incipient drag force is not related to the sediment Reynolds number, but closely related to the Froude number, which was also true for the Maxwell formul Based on the experiments, it was concluded that the motion type of “embedded” coarse material belongs to to the motion of contact load, and the nondimensional unit-width sediment transport rate, which was put forward by Taylor in 1971, was chosen as the criterion in this study. Finally, based on the experimental data, the drag force formula was calibrated. Computed drag force agreed well with the measured values. Moreover, the formula was compared with the Maxwell formula, another formula to study the incipient motion of particles in step-shaped mountainous rivers. The comparison that that slope is the key factor in the two formulas, and the weight is an important force on the incipient motion of coarse particles in the current formula, but not in the Maxwell formula.
说明:1.本索引以汉语拼音字序排列; 2./.二为副主题词,后面的阿拉伯 数字为本卷页码; 3.()内阿拉伯数字为本卷期号。 A心J乳脉管/继发性264嵘,燕麦细胞/病仰’卜外学、f、卜
1981年,美国疾病控制中心(CDC)首先报告在青年男性同性爱者中卡氏肺囊虫肺炎(Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia)和Kaposi肉瘤发病多,且表现有严重的免疫缺陷,预后不良,病死率
乙胺碘呋酮加直流电转复治疗房颤34例,治疗前房颤持续7天至14个月,治疗后,有26例转复后窦性心律维持2年,7例维持1年,1例维持窦性心律9个月之后复发。治疗中副作用轻微。 Ami
患者 女,47岁。1989年4月18日因左下腹疼痛3月余,诊断附件肿物——“左侧畸胎瘤”入院。自述跑步时左下腹轻度疼痛及下坠,但无进行性加重。平时易心悸,心电图提示“频发室早