神经系统损伤是临床常见的严重致残性疾病,特别是中枢神经的损伤,致残率高、恢复困难、疗效差,至今困扰医学界。目前的治疗方式有很多,但是效果一直令人不满意。1992年神经干细胞(neural stem cells,NSCs)首先由Reynolds和Weis从小鼠纹状体中分离而获得,对于它的来源、作用机制研究已经成为当今分子生物学、细胞生物学基础实验研究的焦点之一[1]。由于NSCs存在增殖分化潜能,被誉为目前神经系统损伤最有潜力的治疗方式,并在临床中取得了一定疗效。但近年研究表明,NSCs的增殖分化受到很多因素的影响,如信号
Nervous system injury is a common clinical serious disabling disease, especially the central nervous system injury, high morbidity, recovery difficulties, poor efficacy, so far plagued the medical profession. The current treatment has many ways, but the effect has been unsatisfactory. In 1992, neural stem cells (NSCs) were first isolated from the striatum of mice by Reynolds and Weis, and its origin and mechanism of action have become the focus of the current experimental research in molecular biology and cell biology One 1]. Due to the proliferation and differentiation potential of NSCs, NSCs are regarded as the most potential treatment for nervous system injury and have achieved certain clinical effects. However, recent studies show that proliferation and differentiation of NSCs are affected by many factors, such as signal