目的:了解上海市市民对口腔实习门诊认知度和认可度的现状,探讨口腔临床实习教学的改进方案。方法 :随机抽取上海市5个区县各一个大型卖场,分别发放100份调查问卷,共502份,回收498份,其中有效卷475份,有效率为94.62%。对结果进行整理分析。结果:10.32%的被调查者知晓并了解实习门诊,56.84%的被调查者愿意对其加以了解;40.21%的被调查者会选择专家门诊就医,但也有37.68%的被调查者愿意接受实习医师的诊治;对实习医师的总体满意度为65.43%。结论:市民对口腔实习门诊的认知度和认可度均有待提高,医院、学校应加大宣传力度,在提升实习门诊认知度的同时提高认可度,推进实践教学的开展。
OBJECTIVE: To understand the status quo of Shanghai residents’ cognition and recognition of oral internship clinics and to discuss the improvement of oral clinical practice teaching. Methods: A large shopping mall in 5 districts and counties in Shanghai was randomly selected. One hundred questionnaires were distributed in total of 502 and 498 were recovered, of which 475 were effective volumes with an effective rate of 94.62%. Finishing analysis of the results. Results: 10.32% of the respondents knew and understood the internship clinic, 56.84% of the respondents would like to know about it; 40.21% of the respondents would choose the specialist outpatient service, but 37.68% of the respondents were willing to accept the intern The overall satisfaction with interns was 65.43%. Conclusion: People’s awareness and recognition of oral internship clinics need to be improved. Hospitals and schools should step up publicity efforts to raise awareness of internship out-patient clinics and to promote practice teaching.