针对Makino铣床床身铸造工艺,利用Anycasting软件模拟了铸件的充型和凝固过程,分析了铸件成形过程中内部温度场、流场的变化规律。通过综合考虑浇注温度(1 280、1 320、1 360和1 400℃)和充型速度(1.0、1.2和1.4m/s)对成形的影响,得出浇注温度和充型速度对铸件品质的影响。结果表明,采用优化浇注工艺参数(浇注温度为1 320℃,充型速度为1.2m/s),在合理位置处设置冒口,把最后凝固位置控制在冒口内部,可解决气孔缺陷。以铸件内部温度场分布为依据,减小了铸件缩孔倾向,为实际生产提供参考。
In view of the Makino milling machine tool casting process, the filling and solidification process of casting was simulated by Anycasting software. The variation of internal temperature field and flow field during casting process was analyzed. By comprehensively considering the effects of pouring temperature (1 280, 1 320, 1 360 and 1 400 ℃) and filling speed (1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 m / s) on the forming, the effects of pouring temperature and filling speed on the quality of castings influences. The results show that the optimum pouring process parameters (pouring temperature of 1 320 ℃, filling speed of 1.2m / s), set up riser in a reasonable position, the final solidification position controlled in the riser can solve the porosity defects. Based on the distribution of internal temperature field of castings, the shrinkage tendency of castings is reduced, which provides a reference for actual production.