In early eighty years,twenty centur y,I was asked to establish the department of nephrology in Ruijin Hospita l.In that perild,there was not yet any special Service of nephro logy in Hospitals in Shanghai City.T he friendship established in Intern ational Congress and academic changes with professors of nephrolo gy in United -States,England,France,Japan,Australia helped me to send more than twenty young doctors to those Countries,departments of nephrology,with fellowship,to have specialty education and training.With these young doctors repatri-ated,it was established in my department,clinical ward,dialysis unit,renal pathology laboratory,biochemical and molecular biology labo-ratory .In early eighty years,there was not yet such well composed department of nephrology in Shanghai,it wa s thus successively two turns named leading department of nephrology by Shanghai Municipality,Burea u of Hygiene.As I was namedprofessor in lifein 1998by Ministry of Personnel in Central Government,I am not retired,though I am eighty ye ars old.I am still leading the discussion of difficult cases,I am attending outpatient clinic,I am le cturing in French and in English classes in Shanghai 2 nd Medical University,I edited nephro logy books of large scale.China tradition said:f ive generations living in a family is rare,it is presently four generatio ns of doctors in my department,I am first generation,five chiefs of 50~61years old are second generation,v isiting doctors of 35~45years old are third generation,young resi-dents of 25~30years are fourth generation.If there is any thoughtfulness,I thi nk first order of duty in establishin g a new department is education and tr aining of young doctors and establish orderly rank of personnel in the department.
In early eighty years,twenty centur y,I was asked to establish the department of nephrology in Ruijin Hospita l.In that perild,there was not yet any any Service of nephrology in Hospitals in Shanghai City.T he friendship established in Intern ational Congress and academic changes with professors of nephrolo gy in United -States,England,France,Japan,Australia helped me to send more than twenty young doctors to those Countries, departments of nephrology, with fellowship, to have specialty education and training.With these Young doctors repatri-ated,it was established in my department,clinical ward,dialysis unit,renal pathology laboratory,biochemical and molecular biology labo-ratory .In early eighty years,the was was yet such well well department of nephrology in Shanghai,it Wa s thereby Fifthly named leading department of nephrology by Shanghai Municipality, Burea u of Hygiene.As I was namedprofessor in lifein 1998by Ministry of Personnel in Central Government,I Am not retired,though I am eighty ye ars old.I am still leading the discussion of difficult cases,I am attending outpatient clinic,I am le cturing in French and in English classes in Shanghai 2 nd Medical University,I edited nephrology books Of large scale.China tradition said:f ive generations living in a family is rare,it is presently four generatio ns of doctors in my department,I am first generation,five chiefs of 50~61years old are second generation,v isiting doctors of 35~45years old are third generation,young resi-dents of 25~30years are fourth generation.If there is any thoughtfulness,I thi nk first order of duty in establishin ga new department is education and tr aining of young doctors and establish orderly rank Of personnel in the department.