Conditioning of BPM pickup signals for operations of the Duke storage ring with a wide range of sing

来源 :Chinese Physics C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuan1911
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The Duke storage ring is a dedicated driver for the storage ring based oscillator free-electron lasers(FELs), and the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source(HIGS). It is operated with a beam current ranging from about1 mA to 100 mA per bunch for various operations and accelerator physics studies. High performance operations of the FEL and γ-ray source require a stable electron beam orbit, which has been realized by the global orbit feedback system. As a critical part of the orbit feedback system, the electron beam position monitors(BPMs) are required to be able to precisely measure the electron beam orbit in a wide range of the single-bunch current. However, the high peak voltage of the BPM pickups associated with high single-bunch current degrades the performance of the BPM electronics, and can potentially damage the BPM electronics. A signal conditioning method using low pass filters is developed to reduce the peak voltage to protect the BPM electronics, and to make the BPMs capable of working with a wide range of single-bunch current. Simulations and electron beam based tests are performed. The results show that the Duke storage ring BPM system is capable of providing precise orbit measurements to ensure highly stable FEL and HIGS operations. The Duke storage ring is a dedicated driver for the storage ring based oscillator free-electron lasers (FELs), and the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS). It is operated with a beam current ranging from about 1 mA to 100 mA per bunch for various operations and accelerator physics studies. High performance operations of the FEL and γ-ray source require a stable electron beam orbit, which has been realized by the global orbit feedback system. As a critical part of the orbit feedback system, the electron beam position monitors (BPMs) are required to be able to precisely measure the electron beam orbit in a wide range of single-bunch current. However, the high peak voltage of the BPM pickups associated with high single-bunch current degrades the performance of the BPM electronics, and can potentially damage the BPM electronics. A signal conditioning method using low pass filters is developed to reduce the peak voltage to protect the BPM electronics, and to make the BPMs capable of wor With a wide range of single-bunch current. Simulations and electron beam based tests are performed. The results show that the Duke storage ring BPM system is capable of providing precise orbit measurements to ensure highly stable FEL and HIGS operations.
一组报道 两种反馈 8月1日至3日,温家宝总理先后到大庆市、哈尔滨市、吉林市和长春市等地,考察了大庆石化公司、哈飞集团、吉林铁合金集团、一汽集团公司等11家国有大型企业
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据《辽沈晚报》2001年1月11日报道 ,2001年1月20日 ,随着我国“神舟二号”宇宙飞船发射成功 ,来自葫芦岛市的300个水果种芽、700粒种子也开始了太空旅游。其中用果树活体枝条太空育种 ,在世界尚属
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