4月12日,美国海军“班布里奇”号(DDG 96)驱逐舰成功解救美国船长,一时间成为媒体热议的话题。颇为巧合的是,美国人有以人名命名舰名的习惯,“班布里奇”号所纪念的正是美国海军奠基人之一的威廉·班布里奇准将。此公早在两个世纪前就是焦点人物,而且还就是与非洲海盗有着斩不断的联系和纠葛。
On April 12, the U.S. Navy’s destroyer, the “Bengalzi” (DDG 96), successfully rescued the captain of the United States and became a hot topic for the media for some time. Quite coincidentally, Americans have the habit of naming their names by names. The “Bainbridge” commemorates Brigadier-General William Bainbridge, one of the founders of the U.S. Navy. This public as early as two centuries ago is the focus of people, but also with the African pirates have cut the constant contact and disputes.