
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lin_yuqi
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The aim of this study was to analyze pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital paraesophageal hiatal hernia (PEHH).Methods: Between 1992 and 2004, the records of 5 infants with PEHH were retrospectively reviewed for age, sex, presenting symptoms, radiological studies, operative findings and approaches, and outcomes. Results: All cases (3 male, 2 female) had right-sided hernias. They had clinical features of recurrent chest infections and intermittent vomiting that were present since birth in 3. Three presented acutely ill with findings of respiratory distress and vomiting. Three were referred with misdiagnoses of reflux disease, thoracic mass, and bronchopneumonia. On the chest x-rays of 3 cases, there were paracardiac opacities suggesting a mass lesion. According to the upper gastrointestinal series and/or computed tomography findings, 4 cases had a combination of sliding and paraesophageal hernia, and the remainder one had pure rolling hiatus hernia. Three had obstruction owing to organoaxial volvulus and required an emergency operation. All cases had a large hernia orifice. Four had gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) displaced into the thorax, and in 3, the stomach was found to be twisted, and transverse colon with omentum was also in the thorax in 2. In the remainder, the GEJ was in its normal position with herniated stomach. None of the cases had normal gastrosplenic and gastrocolic ligaments. Surgical repair included resection of the sac, closure of the hiatal defect, and Thal procedure. Two had intestinal malrotation, with right ovarian torsion and ventricular septal defect, respectively. Postoperative ventilation was required in one who later died. At a mean follow-up of 2 years, the other 4 had no symptoms related to the disease, and no evidence of recurrence or reflux was noted on control upper gastrointestinal series. Conclusion: Congenital PEHH may be difficult to diagnose. It is frequently complicated and associated with morbidity and even mortality. If the defect is large and associated with displacement of GEJ into the thorax, adding an antireflux procedure to the repair is appropriate. The aim of this study was to analyze pitfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of congenital paraesophageal hiatal hernia (PEHH). Methods: Between 1992 and 2004, the records of 5 infants with PEHH were retrospectively reviewed for age, sex, presenting symptoms, radiological studies They had clinical features of recurrent chest infections and intermittent vomiting that were present since birth 3. The three cases of acutely ill with findings of respiratory distress and vomiting. Three were referred with misdiagnoses of reflux disease, thoracic mass, and bronchopneumonia. On the chest x-rays of 3 cases, there were paracardiac opacities suggesting a mass lesion. According to the upper gastrointestinal series and / or computed tomography findings, 4 cases had a combination of sliding and paraesophageal hernia, and the remainder one had pure rolling hiatus hernia. Three had obstruction Both had a large hernia orifice. Four had gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) displaced into the thorax, and in 3, the stomach was found to be twisted, and transverse colon with omentum was also in the thorax in 2. In the remainder, the GEJ was in its normal position with herniated stomach. None of the cases had normal gastrosplenic and gastrocolic ligaments. Surgical repair included the resection of the sac, closure of the hiatal defect, and Thal procedure. Two had intestinal malrotation, with right ovarian torsion and ventricular septal defect, respectively. At a mean follow-up of 2 years, the other 4 had no symptoms related to the disease, and no evidence of recurrence or reflux was noted on control upper gastrointestinal series. Conclusion: Congenital PEHH may be difficult to diagnose. It is frequently complicated and associated with morbidity and even mortality. If the defect is large and associated with displacement of GEJ into the thorax, adding an antireflux procedure to the repair is appropriate.
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導数与函数综合题是高考中常当作压轴题来拉分的题目,具有如下特点:所含知识面广,往往涉及函数、不等式、导数、方程等主干知识,所涉及方法灵活多变,考查侧重点各异. 因此考生很难把握其通性、通法,本文欲从2017年全国卷函数综合题的解析中找到一些解题思路,为同学们作指引.  通过对比发现:2017年全国文、理科卷函数与导数的6道试题中,有5道试题是含有参数的函数. 其题干看似平淡,却富有深意;解题方法遵