特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,ITP)是免疫介导的血小板过度破坏所致的出血性疾病,归属于中医“血证”等范畴,瘀血是病因,活血祛瘀是重要治法。而西医主要应用前列环素治疗ITP,它可以明显扩张冠状动脉和血管平滑肌;扩张脑血管,增加血流量;直接扩张肾血管增加肾小球滤过率;引起支气管平滑肌舒张;抑制胃酸分泌,保护胃粘膜。与中医上的活血祛瘀相对应。本文通过对中西医治疗ITP的情况进行分析发现,中西医对ITP的认识和治疗有相通之处,证实了治疗的可行性与准确性,为更广泛地认识和治疗本病开创了思路。
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, ITP) is a immune-mediated bleeding caused by excessive destruction of platelets, belonging to the Chinese “blood card” and other areas, blood stasis is the cause, blood stasis is important Governing Law. The main application of prostacyclin in Western medicine treatment of ITP, it can significantly expand the coronary arteries and vascular smooth muscle; dilate cerebrovascular and increase blood flow; direct expansion of renal vessels increased glomerular filtration rate; caused by bronchial smooth muscle relaxation; inhibition of gastric acid secretion, protection Gastric mucosa. And Chinese medicine on the blood stasis corresponding. This article through the analysis of the situation of Chinese and Western medicine treatment of ITP found that the understanding of Chinese and Western medicine on the ITP and treatment are similar, confirmed the feasibility and accuracy of the treatment for the wider understanding and treatment of the disease opened up a new idea.