时尚新宠 5款数码微单相机

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随着数码相机的迅猛发展,全民摄影已是大势所趋,其中年轻一族相继成为新兴的中流砥柱。但是能否抓住年轻人的市场,关键还要重视年轻人对时尚潮流的敏感度以及他们的消费理念。年轻的我们渴望一款既有时尚外观,又能媲美单反性能的相机。在两年前,这种想法还尚未能实现。随着微单的出现,彻底实现了这个难以实现的新 With the rapid development of digital cameras, universal photography is the trend of the times, of which the young family have become the mainstay of the emerging. But the key to capturing the market for young people is the importance of young people’s sensitivity to fashion trends and their spending philosophy. Young we crave a both stylish appearance, but also comparable SLR camera performance. Two years ago, this idea has not yet been achieved. With the emergence of micro-single, completely realized this new difficult to achieve
随着社交媒体的崛起,时尚变得愈发民主,时尚评论似乎不再只是《Vogue》等传统时尚杂志单向传播的游戏,消费者已可以自由地发声。这个社会,还需要可以翻动的《Vogue》吗?  将被“流放”的时尚皇者  曾经,每个月花20元买本制作精良、页面厚实、图片精美的《Vogue》,是所有爱好时尚人士的月供补剂。虽然大多页码被广告占据,但流光溢彩的纸页翻过时,浓浓的享受感扑面而来,那一刻,时尚离我们如此之近。