【摘 要】
Imitating the structure and function of the Pacinian corpuscle in the human body,a Bionic Cell(BC)with a liquid core was designed and made with polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF),and an Electronic Skin(ES)sensor was successfully obtained by embedding the BCs i
【机 构】
College of Mechanical Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127,Jiangsu,China
Imitating the structure and function of the Pacinian corpuscle in the human body,a Bionic Cell(BC)with a liquid core was designed and made with polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF),and an Electronic Skin(ES)sensor was successfully obtained by embedding the BCs into silicone rubber.The passive sensing ability of the ES for surface vibration pressure was measured.The results showed that the ES could detect waveform,frequency,amplitude and other parameters of the surface,and it exhibited not only a high sensitivity of 0.46563 fc/Pa,but also a large pressure measurement range of 0.6 Pa-6014 Pa.A falling real object impact experiment was carried out,and the results indicated that the ES output charge was linearly related to the falling height of the object and logarithmically related to the mass of the object.Then,a crawling insect experiment and human pulse experiment were performed to study the perception ability of the ES to irregular pressure.Due to its spe-cial structure,simple fabrication process,and high sensitivity wide measurement range,the ES fabricated in this paper is expected to be used as robot skin with tactile perception ability in the near future.
高光谱遥感能够根据光谱指纹特征提取蚀变矿物,在地质领域应用成效十分显著.针对最新的资源一号02D卫星高光谱数据特点,首先进行了高光谱数据预处理,选取蚀变矿物光谱特征显著波段进行数据降维,并应用三次样条插值函数对短波红外数据进行光谱波段增值,将光谱采样间隔提高到了2 nm.在优选出矿物填图端元光谱后,应用改进的SAM填图算法提取头吊泉-南大滩地区的褐铁矿、绿泥石、方解石、白云石、短波云母、中短波云母、中长波云母共7种蚀变矿物,详细分析高光谱蚀变矿物的分布特征并开展蚀变矿物的野外地质验证.研究区蚀变矿物与地质
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