September 2 is the fifth anniversary of Japan’s signing of the book in 1945. For nine years, under the domination of the U.S. imperialism and domination, Japan has failed to achieve post-war peace and signed a comprehensive peace treaty and restored its status as a democratized and independent nation. On the contrary, under the high pressure and control of the U.S. imperialists and the Japanese, Japan has become a slave to the US imperialism day by day. In order to invade Asia and conquer the world, the US imperialists did not make the Japanese people get the peace, independence, democracy and freedom they desire after the war. Therefore, the U.S. imperialists oppose, obstruct and suppress the Japanese people in violation of international agreements Demanding a comprehensive peace patriotic movement and at the same time inciting the reactionaries in Japan to conduct a “separate peace” plot in the vain attempt to enslave the Japanese people for ever.