
来源 :湖北政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhenry123
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以全国政协常委赵晓勇为第一提案人,李仁真、肖宏江、唐瑾、袁伟霞、马力、陈平平、舒心委员联名签署的拟提交重点联名提案,恳请国家进一步加强对《大别山革命老区振兴发展规划》实施的组织领导,促进有关扶持政策落地落实。委员们认为,《规划》出台后,老区人民心怀感恩,主动作为,聚焦红色、绿色、发展、富裕“四个大别山”建设持续发力,振兴发展态势良好,取得了阶段性成效,但欠发达、后发展、发展不够的区情仍未根 With Zhao Xiaoyong, member of Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee as the first sponsor, Li Renzhen, Xiao Hongjiang, Tang Jin, Yuan Weixia, Ma Li, Chen Pingping and Shu Xin members jointly submitted the key joint proposals and urged the state to further strengthen the “Dabie Mountain Old Revolutionary Development Plan” The implementation of the organization and leadership, to promote the implementation of the support policy. The members believe that since the introduction of the “Plan”, the people in the old areas have shown their gratitude and initiative and have achieved staged success in focusing on red, green, development and prosperity. The “Four Dabies” Underdeveloped, post-development, development is not enough of the situation is still not the root
本文以肺癌为研究对象,指出当前包括气管镜(ABF NBI EBUS-TBNA电磁导航),胸腔镜,纵隔镜多种对肺癌进行早期诊断的方法存在着缺陷和不足,提出了将CT应用到肺癌的筛查当中,结果表明,