今年“两会”前夕,江泽民主席颁发国家科技大奖,令全国科技界深受鼓舞。我们科技工作者要为发展先进生产力积极做出新贡献。 21世纪是充满竞争的世纪。高科技在经济发展、社会进步和国家安全上所起的作用越来越明显、越来越重要。只有大力发展先进生产力,增强国家的综合实力,我们才能立于世界民族之林。朱镕基总理在九届全国人大一次会议上说,本届政府的最大任务就是科教兴国。四年来,我们确实是沿着这条大道快步向前。世纪之初,发展高新技术十
On the eve of the “NPC and CPPCC” two years ago, President Jiang Zemin presented the National Science and Technology Awards, which greatly encouraged the science and technology community across the country. We, science and technology workers, must actively make new contributions to the development of advanced productive forces. The 21st century is a century of competition. The role of high technology in economic development, social progress and national security is becoming more and more evident and increasingly important. Only by vigorously developing advanced productive forces and enhancing the overall strength of our country can we stand firm in the forests of peoples of the world. At the first session of the Ninth NPC, Premier Zhu Rongji said: The biggest task for the current government is to rejuvenate the country with science and education. In the past four years, we have been walking fast along this thoroughfare. The beginning of the century, the development of high technology ten