今年10月,是中国人民志愿军抗美援朝入朝作战62周年纪念。本组图片是82岁的西安老人孙文生先生提供的。孙先生1 952年至1 953年7月在中国人民志愿军64军任见习参谋,期间在战场上抓拍了这组照片,真实记录了战争和中朝人民的战斗友谊。为保护这些照片,过临津江时他把皮包顶在头上,遇敌机轰炸时,就把皮包抱在怀里。60年过去了,硝烟散尽,这些珍贵的照片留了下来。今天我们把孙老先生珍藏的这些珍贵照片刊出,与大家共忆共赏。追忆牺牲的先烈和那场伟大的战争。
This October of this year marks the 62nd anniversary of the Chinese People’s Volunteers’ war of resistance against Japan and the United States toward Korea. The picture of this group is provided by Mr. Sun Wensheng, an 82-year-old Xi’an old man. During the period from 952 to 1953, Mr. Sun served as a probationary staff member of the 64th People’s Volunteers Army of China. During this period, Mr. Sun captured this group of photos on the battlefield and truly recorded the war and the fighting friendship between the two peoples. In order to protect these photos, he brought the leather bag over his head when he faced Imjin River and put his handbag in his arms when the enemy plane bombed. Sixty years have passed, the smoke cleared, these precious pictures have been left. Today, we have published these precious photos collected by Mr. Sun Lao and we will share with you all our memories. Recall the sacrificial martyrs and that great war.