多感官体验 寻求友善真谛——“体验式自我教育”即兴队课的实践与探索

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体验指用自己的生命来验证事实,感知世界,感悟生命,并形成自身的价值观。“体验式自我教育”即兴队课,就是充分尊重队员的主体地位和主观能动性,创设自主、探究、合作的体验活动情境,队员们即兴通过实地参观、游戏体验、角色互换等体验形式,并发自内心地启发和感悟,获得自己独特的体会与体悟,更好地实现自我教育。 Experience refers to use their own lives to verify the facts, perceive the world, perception of life, and the formation of their own values. The “experiential self-education” impromptu team class is to fully respect the team members’ subjective initiative and subjective initiative, and to create an experience environment of independent, inquiry and cooperation. The team members improvise through experiencing the form of field visit, game experience and role exchange , And from the heart to inspire and sentiment, access to their own unique experience and understanding, to better self-education.