莱奥纳尔多·达·芬奇的《绘画论》[Trattato della Pittura]初刊于1651年,是根据这位大师笔记的一部不完整选本编辑而成的。刊行以后一直享有盛名。但是,一直到最好的抄本,即《乌尔比诺拉丁文抄本1270》[Codex Urbinas Latinus 1270]的摹本和A·菲利普·麦克马洪[A. Philip McMahon]的英译本于1956年问世后,可以说才真正开始对这部画论作系统的研究。路德维希·H·海登赖希[Ludwig H. Heydenreich]为这个标准本写了详尽的导论,提出了有哪些原因使得我们产生如下看法:乌尔比诺抄本是一部由
Leonardo da Vinci’s Trattato della Pittura, first published in 1651, was compiled from an incomplete selection of master notes. After the publication has been renowned. However, until the best manuscript, the copy of [Codex Urbinas Latinus 1270] and the English translation of A. Philip McMahon, came into existence in 1956 , We can say that we really started to make a systematic study of this theory. Ludwig H. Heydenreich wrote an exhaustive introduction to the standard book and put forward some of the reasons that led us to the following: The Urbino transcript is a