择取2012年3月-2016年4月我院收治的小儿期肺炎支原体感染患者92例作为本次研究对象,遵照患者的年龄特征将患者均等划分为甲组(0-5岁),乙组(6-10岁),每组各包含46例患者,针对两组患者均依次实施血清抗Mp-lg M检查和咽拭子Mp-DNA-PCR检查,观察比较两组患者的血清抗Mp-lg M阳性检出率和咽拭子Mp-DNA-PCR阳性检出率,比较分析处于不同年龄阶段的小儿期肺炎支原体感染患者的诊断方式和临床特点差异。结果表明,在小儿期肺炎支原体感染患者临床诊断过程中,应用咽拭子Mp-DNA-PCR检查,能够取得更高水平的临床诊断准确率,更加适合在临床医学实践过程中加以推广运用。
Choose from March 2012 to April 2016 in our hospital 92 cases of infantile mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in patients as the study object, according to the patient’s age characteristics will be equally divided into patients A group (0-5 years old), B (6-10 years old), each containing 46 patients. Serum anti-Mp-lg M and throat swab Mp-DNA-PCR were performed in both groups. Serum levels of anti-Mp- lg M positive detection rate and throat swab Mp-DNA-PCR positive detection rate, comparative analysis of different age stages of children with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in patients with diagnostic methods and clinical features. The results showed that in the clinical diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in children during the clinical application of throat swab Mp-DNA-PCR examination, to achieve a higher level of clinical diagnostic accuracy, more suitable for clinical practice in the promotion process.