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血府逐瘀汤为清代王清任《医林改错》之名方,由桃仁、红花、枳壳、生地黄、当归、赤芍、柴胡、甘草、桔梗、川芎、牛膝等11味药组成。原方用治头痛、胸痛、呃逆、心悸等证,有活血袪瘀、疏肝清热之效。经后世沿用,治疗范围颇广。笔者遵治病求因原则,临床运用血府逐瘀汤加减治疗各种杂症,收效甚佳,兹选医案4则介绍如下。1逆经姚某,女,20岁,周期性逆经(衄血)3年余。初诊正值月经来潮,诉每月周期性衄血,色鲜,持续3~4天,乳胀, Xuefuzhuyu Decoction for the Qing Dynasty Wang Qing Ren “Medical Lin error correction” of the party, from Peach, safflower, Citrus aurantium, Rehmanniae, Angelica, red peony, Bupleurum, licorice, Campanulaceae, Chuanxiong, Achyranthes and other 11 herbs . Original treatment of headache, chest pain, hiccups, palpitations and other cards, there are blood stasis, Liver heat effect. Used by future generations, the treatment range is quite wide. I follow the principle of seeking medical treatment, clinical use of Xuefuzhuyu Decoction for the treatment of various diseases, the effect is very good, hereby choose medical case 4 are described below. 1 Anti-menstruation Yao, female, 20 years old, cyclical back pain (blood) more than 3 years. New diagnosis positive menstrual cramps, v. Monthly cyclical bloody, fresh color, lasting 3 to 4 days, breast swelling,