种子带菌分析是种子检验和种子质量标准化工作的重要内容,种子带菌数量可为植物检疫、病情预测和病害防治提供依据。我省尚未开展常规种子健康检验工作。为逐步掌握种子带菌的基本情况,作者首先对关中主要粮、棉作物种子传带病原真菌情况作了初步研究。材料和方法由武功、宝鸡、周至、三原、蒲城、大荔、富平、礼泉、韩城等县收集1981年收获的稻、麦、谷、棉、玉米等种子样本66份,按《国际种子检验规程》(1976)和国际标准方法进行种子带菌分析。检验前将种子贮存于5℃种子库内。种子带菌主要用吸水纸培养法(Blotter test)测定,即每个样本取400粒置于塑料培皿内湿润
Seed carryover analysis is an important part of seed testing and seed quality standardization. The number of seed boring can provide the basis for plant quarantine, disease prediction and disease prevention and control. The province has not yet carried out routine seed health inspection. In order to gradually grasp the basic situation of seed-borne bacteria, the author first conducted a preliminary study on the situation of carrying pathogenic fungi in the main grain and cotton crop seeds in Guanzhong. Materials and Methods 66 samples of seeds of rice, wheat, corn, cotton and corn harvested in 1981 were collected from Wugong, Baoji, Zhouzhi, Sanyuan, Pucheng, Dali, Fuping, Liquan and Hancheng counties. Seed Inspection Regulations "(1976) and international standard methods for seed-borne analysis. The seeds were stored in a 5 ° C seed bank before the test. Seed-borne bacterial culture using the absorbent paper method (Blotter test) Determination, that is, each sample to take 400 placed in plastic petri dish moist