哈哈,我是大名鼎鼎的大红薯。我的名字可多啦,什么甘薯、白薯、山芋、红苕、地瓜等等,不同的地方有不同的叫法,而我正式的学名叫番薯。 我的特点是高产。2002年秋天,湖南省长沙市郊区有户农家种了一片红薯,其中最大的一个重达25千克。这还不算惊人,吉尼斯世界纪录曾记载一个红薯王,重达278千克!名副其实的一个大“傻
Haha, I am the big sweet potato. My name may be more, what sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potatoes, etc., different places have different names, and my official name is sweet potato. My specialty is high yield. In the fall of 2002, some households in the outskirts of Changsha City, Hunan Province, planted a sweet potato, the largest of which weighed 25 kg. This is not surprising, the Guinness Book of World Records once recorded a sweet potato king, weighing 278 kg! A veritable big "silly