2002年7月4日,黄河治理史上不同凡响的一天。 就是在这一天,黄河再次受到世人的关注。不是因为洪水,也不是因为干旱,更不是因为断流,而是因为人类历史上前无古人的河流泥沙治理试验——黄河首次调水调沙试验,在这一天开始。 爱恨交织的母亲河 黄河是中华民族的母亲河,是一条有着非同一般意义的河流。黄河母亲孕育了辉煌灿烂、博大精深的华夏文明,几千年来,她用甘甜的乳汁哺育一代又一代炎黄子孙,滋润着万顷良田,为两岸人民带来丰收与富庶。因此,人们爱黄河,把她比作中华民族的母亲,用最美的语言赞美她。然而,黄河的洪涝灾
July 4, 2002, an extraordinary day in the history of the Yellow River governance. It is on this day that the Yellow River once again receives the attention of the world. It is not because of floods, nor because of drought, nor because of breaking down, but because of the unprecedented river sediment control test in the history of mankind - the first trial of water and sediment adjustment in the Yellow River that started on that day. Hate intertwined mother River Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation, is a river with a very different meaning. The mother of the Yellow River gave birth to the brilliant and profound Huaxia civilization. For thousands of years, she nurtured generations of Yan and Huang descendants with sweet milk to nourish thousands of hectares of fertile land and bring about good harvests and affluence to people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Therefore, people love the Yellow River, compared her to the mother of the Chinese nation, praising her in the most beautiful language. However, the Yellow River flooding