Discovery and demonstration of small circular DNA molecules derived from Chinese tomato yellow leaf

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:orientaladam
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Tomato yellow leaf curl viruses belong to Begomoviruses of geminiviruses. In this work, we first found and demonstrated that the small circular DNA molecules were derived from Chinese tomato yellow leaf curl viruses (TYLCV-CHI). These small circular DNA molecules are about 1.3 kb, which are half the full-length of TYLCV-CHI DNA A. It was shown by sequence determination and analysis that there was unknown-origin sequence insertion in the middle of the small molecules. These sequences of unknown-origin were neither homologous to DNA A nor to DNA B, and were formed by recombination of virus DNA and plant DNA. Although various defective molecules contained different unknown-origin sequence insertion, all the molecules contained the intergenic region and part of the AC1 (Rep) gene. But they did not contain full ORF. Tomato yellow leaf curl viruses belong to Begomoviruses of geminiviruses. In this work, we first found and demonstrated that the small circular DNA molecules were derived from Chinese tomato yellow leaf curl viruses (TYLCV-CHI). These small circular DNA molecules are about 1.3 kb , which are half the full-length of TYLCV-CHI DNA A. It was shown by sequence determination and analysis that there was unknown-origin sequence insertion in the middle of the small molecules. These sequences of unknown-origin were neither homologous to DNA A nor to DNA B, and were formed by recombination of virus DNA and plant DNA. Although various defective molecules contained different unknown-origin sequence insertion, all the molecules contained the intergenic region and part of the AC1 (Rep) gene. not contain full ORF.
戴着眼镜文质彬彬,说起话来慢条斯理,初见张炜,他看起来更像是一个中学老师,而不是珠宝商人。从大三的街边首饰摊,到如今的珠宝专卖店,这个去年才毕业于中国地质大学珠宝设计专业的25岁小伙子,用自己的专业知识和勤奋努力,开创了令人羡慕的事业。    发现商机  张炜做珠宝生意,缘于偶然。2005年10月,张炜作为志愿者参加学校主办的一次国际宝石会议。在陪同代表团成员去鄂州考察珍珠养殖基地时,他发现市面上