答:北方军阀政权,始为袁世凯独握。袁世凯死后,政权变幻于皖系、直系、奉系之间。北方政权的更迭反映了英美日几个帝国主义国家在华争夺权益的胜负格局。下面对北洋军阀政权的更迭作简单介紹: 1.袁世凯统治时期(1912年3月——1916年6月) 辛亥革命时期,袁世凯重新出山,掌握了清廷军政全权。他以此一面要挟清帝退位,一面胁迫革命派妥协,于1912年3月10日在北京就任了中华民国临时大总统,根据临时约法实行责任内阁制的规定,任命唐绍仪为国务总理。但唐就任后意见多与袁不和,而袁世凯又深忌这一政权的“民主共和”招牌,力图复行专制。6月15日,他不经内阁总理付署,擅委王芝祥为宣抚使,命往南京遣散起义民
A: The warlord regime in the north started with Yuan Shikai alone. After Yuan Shikai’s death, the political power changed in Wan-an, direct-ancestors and Feng-shan. The change in the regime in the north reflects the outcome of the race for the rights and interests of several imperialist countries in Britain, the United States, and Japan. The following brief introduction of the regime change of the Northern Warlords: 1. Yuan Shikai reign (March 1912 - June 1916) During the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai returned to the mountains and mastered the full powers of the Qing government. On the one hand, he tried to hold back the Qing imperialism and coerced the revolutionary parties into compromise. On March 10, 1912, he assumed office of the provisional president of the Republic of China in Beijing on March 10, 1912, and appointed Tang Shaoyi as premier of the state according to the Provisional Constitution. However, when he took office, his opinions were mostly displeased with Yuan. Yuan Shikai further abhorred the “democratic republic” signboard of this regime and sought to resume autocratic rule. June 15, he was not the Prime Minister to pay the Department, good at Wang Zhixiang Xuan Fu make, destined to lay off the uprising in Nanjing