为了挽回在消费者心中的形象, 家乐福(Carrefour SA)新任首席执行长 何塞·路易斯·杜兰(Jose Luis Duran) 推出新举措:缩小某些国际业务扩张 的规模,开设新型店铺,并丰富核心业 务--大型超市的产品种类。 上任仅5周的杜兰在3月10日表 示,家乐福董事会批准了他的请求,允 许他在2005年的剩余时间里试行重振 公司雄风的新战略。杜兰表示准备评 估表现不佳的国际业务,并不急于剥 离资产。他还说,将给各地区主管留出 时间,让他们酝酿夺回市场占有率的 新方案。
To restore the image of consumers, Jose Luis Duran, Carrefour’s new chief executive, introduced new initiatives to reduce the size of certain international business expansion, open new stores and enrich the core Business - the product range of hypermarkets. Durand, who took office for just five weeks, said on March 10 that Carrefour’s board of directors approved his request to allow him to pilot a new strategy to reinvigorate the company in the remainder of 2005. Duran said he is prepared to assess poorly performing international businesses and is in no hurry to divest assets. He also said it will set aside time for district directors to prepare new plans for regaining market share.