有一件事,让人常常记起,并为之感动:1966年,周恩来总理到邢台慰问地震灾民时,发现群众面对西北风而坐, 他坚决要求改变会场布置,让卡车开到南头,作为临时讲台,自己迎着北风,让几千名群众转过身来。从背着风到对着风,乍一看只是一个空间方位角度的调整,但细一思量, 便不难发现:这个角度的切换,凸现了人民总理爱人民的崇高风范,给人们留下了一段难忘的佳话。
One thing that people often remember and moved: In 1966, Premier Zhou Enlai Xingtai condolences to the earthquake victims, found that people sitting in the northwest wind, he insisted on changing the layout of the venue, let the truck to the south, As a temporary rostrum, facing the north wind, let thousands of people turn around. From the style of carrying the wind to the wind, at first glance, it is only an adjustment of the spatial orientation. However, it is not hard to find a careful consideration: switching from this perspective highlights the lofty style of the people’s prime minister’s love for the people and leaving people A memorable story.