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《逃离香格里拉》出版于2006年,以一个名叫塞西(Cessie)的12岁小女孩的视角展开行文。一天,一个怪老头跑来敲塞西家的门,自称是她的爷爷,外号叫“冰棒儿(Popsicle)”。在塞西家刚住下,冰棒儿就突然晕倒住进了医院,并因头部受到撞击而暂时失忆,而且精神状态越来越糟糕。为了让冰棒儿得到更加悉心的照料,爸爸、妈妈决定把他暂时送到一家名为“香格里拉”的养老院去。这让塞西无法接受,但又无能为力。塞西后来发现了一些线索,帮助冰棒儿恢复了记忆。冰棒儿决定逃离香 Escape from Shangri-La was published in 2006 with the perspective of a 12-year-old girl named Cessie. One day a strange old man ran into the door of Thessalian, claiming to be her grandfather, nicknamed “Popsicle.” In Cecilia’s family just stayed, Popsicle suddenly fainted and admitted to the hospital, and temporary headache suffered a temporary memory loss, and the state of mind is getting worse. In order for Popsicle to get more care, Mom and Dad decided to temporarily send him to a nursing home named Shangri-La. This makes Cesey unacceptable, but powerless. Cesey later found some clues to help popsicles recover memory. Popsicle decided to escape the incense
1病历资料患者男,59岁。因“乏力、腹胀并脾切除10年,再次乏力2个月”于2006年11月入院。患者1996年6月因乏力腹胀在当地医院发现脾大,肋下4 cm,多次查血常规:白细胞WBC(3~6)