当11月20目俄罗斯“质子”号重型火箭把重达24吨的国际空间站功能货物舱曙光号送上太空时、这个筹备10多年,规模最大、投资最多,涉及国家也最多的大型国际航天合作项目,开始进入关键阶段。有16个国家参与建造和使用的这个国际空间站,被称为太空的“联合国”。 这个带有多极世界色彩的所谓联合国,还是脱胎于冷战时期的苏、美两个超级大国的太空争霸战。那个时候他们把清朗的太空搅得乌烟瘴气。苏联卫星上了天,美国飞船就登月,苏联的空间站悬在天上,美国的航天飞机就天上地上来回跑。当然,航天技术也在他们的争来斗去中飞速发展。但在航天领域,俄罗斯似乎仍是占着点先手。俄罗斯并不把后来成了为俄国空间站拉货送人工具的航天飞机放在眼里。所以冷战搞得最狠的里根就要在搞“星球大战”的同时,也搞个自由号空间站,好与苏联那些建个没完没了的礼炮号、和
When the Russian “Proton” heavy rockets brought space on the 24-tonne International Space Station Functional Cargo Cabin of the dawn on November 20, this large-scale international space cooperation involving the largest scale, the largest investment and the largest number of countries in preparation for that event Project, began to enter the crucial stage. This ISS, which is being built and used by 16 countries, is called the “United Nations” in space. This so-called United Nations with a multi-polar world is also a space war that was born out of the two superpowers of the Soviet Union and the United States in the Cold War era. At that time they blew the clean space into disgust. Soviet satellites were on the sky, the U.S. spacecraft went to the moon, the Soviet space station was suspended in the sky and the U.S. space shuttle flew back and forth on the sky. Of course, space technology is also developing rapidly in their fight. However, Russia still seems to dominate the aerospace field. Russia does not take into consideration the space shuttle, which later became a tool for pulling off the Russian space station. So Reagan, the strongest Cold War, must engage in “Star Wars.” At the same time, he will also launch a Liberty space station,