在前几年利用管氏肿腿蜂防治粗鞘双条杉天牛(Semanotus bifasciatus SinoausterGressitt)取得较好效果的基础上,为了提高林间放蜂效果,于1978年底,从山东省移来寄生在青杨天牛幼虫上的管氏肿腿蜂(Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu)与本省的管氏肿腿蜂进行交配。交配方式分两种:一种是广东的雌蜂与山东的雄蜂进行交配;另一种是山东的雌蜂与广东的雄蜂进行交配。两地蜂在蛹期就连同茧囊逐个分开,每支指形管放一只茧,羽化后分别按上述方式进行雌雄配对,及时接上寄主,并将繁出的后代蜂与本省的肿腿蜂在林间大面积放蜂对比试验,取得初步效果。
In the past few years, the use of pipe sphinx Bees to control the rough sheath double-cedar (Semanotus bifasciatus SinoausterGressitt) to obtain better results, in order to improve the effect of bee-keeping in the end of 1978, moved from Shandong Province parasitic in Scleroderma guani Xiao et Wu, on the larvae of the Ching Yang, was mated with Scleroderma spp. In the province. Mating methods are divided into two kinds: one is the female bee in Guangdong and Shandong drone mating; the other is the Shandong female bee and Guangdong drones mating. The two bees in the pupal period even with the cocoon capsule separated one by one, each finger tube put a cocoon, feather were male and female pairs, respectively, in the manner described above, and timely access to the host, and the bustling offspring of the province and the swelling Bees in the large area of the forest to put the contrast test, and achieved initial results.