Hepatoprotective potential of petroleum ether leaf extract ofCrossandra infundibuliformis on CCl4 in

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlwang72
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Objective:To analyze the hepatoprotective effect of the Crossandra infundibuliformis.Methods:Hepatotoxicity was induced by carbon tetrachloride. Petroleum ether extract of dried leaves was administrated to mice for7 days. The hepatoprotective effect of petroleum ether extract was evaluated by the assay of liver function biochemical parameters.Results: The result clearly indicates that petroleum ether extract showed significant hepatoprotection when compared with standard Silumarin.Conclusions:The petroleum ether extract of the leaves ofCrossandra infundibuliformispossess significant acute hepatoprotective activity. Thus further investigation on this species would bring a promising drug for liver disorders.
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1例34岁女性患者因全身肌肉酸困自行口服布洛芬缓释胶囊300 mg,1 d后颈部出现弥漫性红斑丘疹,逐渐累及眼、口、鼻、躯干及四肢,并出现发热,当日停药,但症状呈进行性加重,诊断为Stevens-Johnson综合征。经给予糖皮质激素、人丙种球蛋白和对症支持治疗,14 d后症状好转,30 d后全身皮肤颜色基本恢复正常。
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